About this course
We will start by going briefly over the installation process and the different licenses that exist. For this course, the free version is sufficient, which you can download here. We will then go over the six basic steps needed to setup a Karamba Statical Model. This minimal setup is always required and you can use this base definition in all your future uses of Karamba.
Next, we will create our first load case scenario using two simple beams and a point load. We will go over the different components of Karamba, their inputs and outputs, and what they all mean.
In the second part of the course, we will create a simple canopy we will use for our structural analysis. The canopy consists of a space-frame and a cover we can control parametrically. When we’ve specified the supports, materials and load cases, we will perform a structural analysis on the structure. We will take a critical look at the results, like maximum displacement, resulting force of gravity, and internal elastic energy. We will also visualize the results to get a better understanding of how our structure behaves under our loads.
The last part will consist of using Silvereye to optimize the structure. Silvereye works similar to Galapagos and is pretty straightforward to use. We’ll use the results from the previous lesson – maximum displacement, and internal elastic energy – as our fitness values to optimize.
1.- Introduction to the course and installing Karamba
01min 33seg2.- Explaining the six basic steps needed to create a Karamba Statical Model
08min 46seg3.- Creating our first simple load case scenario
19min 47seg4.- Setting up the geometry for our 2nd exercise: A simple canopy
13min 04seg5.- Creating a simple spaceframe from our canopy
13min 07seg6.- Transforming our spaceframe into a Karamba Analysis Model
17min 33seg7.- Performing a structural analysis on our spaceframe
19min 10seg8.- Optimizing our spaceframe using the evolutionary solver Silvereye
20min 23seg