about 5 years ago by Edmondo Rumori
Hello, I have a question about the conditionalStatement (Minute 14.25). Why annualHourlydata_ is b and not c? Since it is the third imput we connected I was thinking it must be c.
Arie Willem de Jongh about 5 years ago
Hi Edmondo,
Great question! This is the description from the conditional statement input:
This input allows users to remove data that does not fit specific conditions or criteria from the wind rose. To use this input correctly, hourly data, such as temperature or humidity, must be plugged into the annualHourlyData_ input. The conditional statement input here should be a valid condition statement in Python, such as "a>25" or "b<80" (without quotation marks).
The current version of this component accepts "and" and "or" operators. To visualize the hourly data, only lowercase English letters should be used as variables, and each letter alphabetically corresponds to each of the lists (in their respective order): "a" always represents the 1st list, "b" always represents the 2nd list, etc.
For the WindBoundaryProfile component, the variable "a" always represents windSpeed. For example, if you have hourly dry-bulb temperature connected as the second list, and relative humidity connected as the third list (both to the annualHourlyData_ input), and you want to plot the data for the time period when temperature is between 18C and 23C, and humidity is less than 80%, the conditional statement should be written as “18<b<23 and c<80” (without quotation marks). This also accepts output from Ladybug_Beaufort Ranges component.
He uses "b", because "a" always represents the windSpeed and he wants to check the drybulb temperature (the annualHourlyData_). Hence the b>26.