almost 5 years ago by jeanmama
Hi Arie. On my model, the model category picker "walls" include the curtain wall. How can I separated generic walls (that I used for the shaft) from the curtain walls? TY
Mohammed Hasafa about 4 years ago
When this was created. The walls in the category picker seems to include only basic walls. Not the case anymore, it picked curtain walls too. To split they types, I used a node from the Walls panel that picks all the walls based on type of system family and a node that specify the type of walls. The first node is Wall System Family, under the Input panel.
Revit.Inside looks way more developed that what is shown in the course. But same logic applies.
Arie Willem de Jongh over 4 years ago
Hi Jean,
It seems by looking at the list that the walls are ordered with first the generic walls and then the BIG walls. You could use the Split List Component
(see attached image)