over 4 years ago by will93611
Hi, really interesting and helpful. one question, is there a way to change the pattern from hexagons to staggered quads? if the target surface I'm trying to rationalize is design to be staggered quads, what are the edges and the setting I'll be need? say all of the "Bricks" need to be flat and standardize, also control limited numbers of "special" pieces? thank you
Arie Willem de Jongh about 4 years ago
Hi Will,
See attached file, it should get you started: https://mega.nz/file/wEMCAJqL#DvY_7MwYGwmB7SSi9f7Dza8uViH5jcJ7fO9mm9H0KFg
P.S. You need the lunchbox plugin to get the staggering quads
Good luck