almost 5 years ago by Rustem
Hi Arie could you please take a look at the error message the Gaussian Mixture component gives me. Something's wrong with the access to the Accord.NET libraries. I tried reinstalling LunchBox, tried installing older versions of it to no avail; to deal with Accord.NET libraries is hard because they never have an installer - only .nupkg files. I even tried installing Microsoft Visual Studio thinking it would allow to load Accord.NET packages into the system, and it did, but Gaussian Mixture component in GH doesn't work anyways. I would much appreciate help as I can't proceed with the tutorials. Thank you in advance
Rustem almost 5 years ago
Hi Arie, I tried everything in your list but it didn't help. I reinstalled LunchBox and the .dll files were never blocked to begin with... I also made a post in and emailed Proving Ground, but no response. May you have a better communication channel with Proving Ground? Or any friends/expert people in the forums? I cannot complete the tutorial without fixing this issue...Would greatly appreciate help. Thanks, Rustem
Arie Willem de Jongh almost 5 years ago
Hi Rustem,
I'm not sure what the issue is but it has to do with the plugin, not with the definition. Please make sure you have the following:
1) The latest Rhino 6 installed:
2) The latest Lunchbox from here:
3) Make sure to the files are here: C:\Users\<YOUR USER NAME>\AppData\Roaming\Grasshopper\Libraries\
and you don't have any duplicate older 'Lunchbox' folders here
4) Make sure the files are unblocked, right click on the .dll and .gha and under general tab in the bottom it shouldnt say blocked, if so, click here to unblock.
If you still have issues, could you post this issue in the lunchbox group:
Nathan is usually very responsive.