over 4 years ago by tim
Hi, I hope my message finds you well, I created the first curves shaping the pavilion, on rhinoceros, and I was following you from the first video until the second video <quick visualisation of our wall > I have a problem (I am not an expert on grasshopper), so took me like 5 hours trying fixing and analyse the problem, yet I couldn't fix it, see on the video minutes 3.20 when you used the distance to drew lines between the original rectangle and the projected one, My lines are not on X direction even though I used unit X, results came out very weird on Y direction, kindly can you help me out, * but that's only when I use the curves I created on rhinoceros, if I use the curves you created there is no problem with that ! the lines are on X direction once I put my curves I created goes wrong and the line results On Y direction. I am 100% that the issue on the curves I created, how do I solve this problem. Thank you
Arie Willem de Jongh over 4 years ago
Hi Tim,
Could you share your definition, I can't figure out what the problem is from the image.