over 5 years ago by Jose Barba
Good afternoon, The link for the T-splines isn't currently working. Could you provide another link to download it? I can't seem to find it in Google. I'm using Rhino v5.
Jose Barba over 5 years ago
Thanks, Arie, I'll have a look at both and see if I can make it...
Arie Willem de Jongh over 5 years ago
Hi Jose,
Unfortunately Autodesk squired Tsplines and then killed it for Rhino. What I would advise you is to use the latest Rhino 6. Rhino 6 has an experimental geometry called Subd. A Subd is basically a Tspline. What you do is model a coarse mesh, select it and type in "_ToSubd" in the command prompt. This will convert the mesh into a Subd. The problem is that Rhino has very crappy modeling and manipulation tools for meshes.
Another thing you might want to try is use Clayoo: https://www.tdmsolutions.com/clayoo/
Clayoo is/was a competitor of Tsplines. It works the same way and Clayoo offers some more editing and manipulation tools like Tsplines did. The problem is that it will crash a lot, this is why I opted to use Tsplines in the first place.
i hope this helps, and I'm planning to redo the course when Subd's become a full functioning feature of Rhino.