over 6 years ago by Rajesh khanna
what is evalauate curve command how did u arrive at what points to shift
Arie Willem de Jongh over 6 years ago
Hi Rajesh,
The Evaluate Curve component evaluates a curve at a parameter (t). It outputs different information it finds at that spot, like the 3d Point of parameter t, the tangent and the Angle.
In this case I'm using it to get the 3d Point on the curve at parameter t. Because I reparameterized the curve, the domain is from 0-1. So the t value has to be whitin 0-1, 0 being the start of the curve, and 1 being the end of the curve.
I shifted the points in the list, to be able connect the points to form the grid. @ 12.43 you see I had to fizzle a little to find the right shift setting. It's basically trial and error most of the time.
Good luck,